Vision and Mission
We are able to realise a custom-made plant that is adaptable to every dimension, whether you entrust us the design of a district heating system or the swimming pool one. We respond in a personalized way to the various requests of our clients, constantly employing the most modern technologies and remaining focused in the most important aspect:our responsibilities towards a future worth living.
EOS provides brilliant ideas and concrete solutions in the technology and energy sector to its customers.
We provide technical assistance and installation of detection and metering systems for the consumption of heating, water and air conditioning systems, offering a modern and reliable radio technology that allows to perform the relative readings without the intervention of operators.
Some examples of our designs and achievements are: state-of-the-art cogeneration plants, district heating plants powered by biomass or alternative fuels with combustion gas purification.
We commit all our energies and our technicians’ experience in continuous research and in the development of this sector that is characterised by great efforts, but also by many satisfactions.
We are able to find your well-being in any environment thanks to our consultancy, design, implementation, management and 360 degree maintenance of top-level heating and air-conditioning systems that are compliant with the most advanced technological standards integrated with state-of-the-art sanitary facilities.
Our company and our team respond to every order with tailor-made and turnkey offers a single project or multi-project to solve single or multi-projects.
We must care to future generations And for this reason we want to show how we uphold the treatment of biological waste, composting, anaerobic management and also the design and the construction of incineration plants with thermal recovery and flue gas purification using highly technological processes.
We are aware of the importance of the water, as a fundamental element and for this reason we work on innovative solutions in the field of drinking water and wastewater treatment through very modern sterilization, action and filtration systems.